
Discover the Exhibition “Paris-Athens, The birth of Modern Greece”

Jacques Rizo, Athenian Evening, Athens ©National Gallery-Alexandros Soutzos Museum _Photo Stavros Psiroukis
October 14, 2021
3:00 PM EDT

Paris-Athens, The birth of Modern Greece opened at the Louvre on September 30.

In 2021, Greece is celebrating the bicentenary of its independence; it was also 200 years ago, in 1821, that the Venus de Milo first entered the Louvre’s collections. This exhibition traces the cultural, diplomatic and artistic ties between Greece and France in the 19th century and shows how the rediscovery of Greek antiquity changed the European view of Greece.

To give you access to this extraordinary exhibition, American Friends of the Louvre and the Louvre Endowment are pleased to invite you to a lecture by art historian Géraldine Bretault. She will present the major themes of the exhibition and show you the masterpieces on view.

To register, please contact us.