
Art and Empire: The Golden Age of Spain

Bust of Prophet Philo II (detail), c. 1380–90. Münster. Silver: partially gilded, chased, cast, engraved; rock crystal; relics; overall: 20.4 x 21 x 14.5 cm. Hohes Domkapitel der Kathedralkirche St. Paulus, Münster.
August 1, 2019–August 18, 2022

Art and Empire: The Golden Age of Spain relives the most glorious time of Hispanic history through 100 artworks from 1160 to 1750. This exhibition places Spanish Golden Age art in a global context, including paintings, sculptures and decorative arts of Spanish-controlled territories, among other regions. This is a journey through the cultural richness of the period, featuring some of its greatest artists such as Diego Velásquez, Peter Paul Rubens or Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.